Archive | December 2019

PhD Journey 2020….

I did not manage to keep this blog alive during my MRes…if I am right I managed to write a blog post or two during that period. My hope is, that for my PhD it is going to get more active. I have finished my MRes and I am thrilled to have finished! I even managed to present my findings at a 3 different conferences, the biggest one being the Annual BPS Conference in Harrogate. The link on this report by the BPS can be find below:

I also managed to submit a book chapter for a Book on Brexit and its psychological consequences which should be published in 2020. So I have been busy and now I am about to start my PhD journey, still at the University of Salford with 3 amazing supervisors.


This will be no doubt challenging but also a very beautiful journey and I can not wait to embark on it.

In the meantime I continue to deliver seminars, which is another kind of challenge…but also a very useful practical experience.


Cheers to the New Years…New Adventures and the real start of my Academic Journey!